Raven crow’s paw pendant amulet. At all times the raven’s paw was endowed with both magical and symbolic meanings. For example it was believed that such an amulet as a raven’s paw attracts the spirit of this animal to allies in order to protect you from the forces of evil and death. It is believed that it attracts good luck, protects from curses. The symbolism of the raven – in European and other cultures it was also a symbol of terrible events – wars, diseases, however, parts of the raven such as the skull, paws and claws are a talisman symbolizing wisdom, dexterity and the path to the supernatural. The pendant is made with very accurate by a real crow’s paw, so it is very anatomically accurate. The chain is not included.
Dimensions: Length: 5.5 cm, width (2.5 cm in span of claws) weight: 9 gr.