Space whale in circle. Space whale symbol. Isn’t there something cosmic, gravity-free in the way of such interesting creatures like whales move underwater? Looking at his grace, colossal size and appearance, he can easily be imagined romantically as an inhabitant of space, not our planet. Water material, in many properties, is similar to space or the gravitational conditions of the moon, for example. That is why astronauts do a lot of training not in the air, but under water. Here we tried to symbolically represent this combination of the incongruous – the grace of a whale, space, distant stars and the depth of the sea as a kind of strange mirror and reflection of these phenomena. In part, the sea is still not as well explored today, as isn’t explored the space. And whales are a symbol of the power of living nature, just like comets and asteroids floating in outer space. It is possible to customize with a decrease or increase size by make to order request. Also we can make a ring or earrings with this symbol. Chain is not included.
Dimensions: Diameter 2 cm, weight: 2.8 gr
Cosmic whale pendant can also be made in 585 gold.